Month: November 2022

The Bali Disconnect

The world breathed a collective sigh of relief at the front-page  photos of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping smiling while shaking hands in Bali on November 14. The steady drumbeat of US-China conflict escalation over the past five years had taken a decided turn for the worse...

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Biden and Xi in Bali

Finally.  After nearly two years of Covid-induced zoom meetings and phone conversations, the fog is about to lift in Bali, with a face-to-face meeting the coming Monday (November 14) between Presidents Biden and Xi on the sidelines of the upcoming G-20 meeting. While...

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Security Without Growth?

Since the days of Deng Xiaoping, the concept of a “rising China” has been central to the nation’s identity. The 20th Party Congress marked an important inflection point in that narrative: Xi Jinping’s third term now appears to be more about national security than...

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