Month: September 2024

China’s Economic Ascendancy?

The question mark at the end of this title underscores a Chinese economy that has entered what could well be the toughest phase of its extraordinary rise. By now, China’s cyclical and structural growth challenges are well known—the debt-intensive property crisis is at...

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Misreading China’s Investment Problem

It has become conventional wisdom that China’s investment problem is in a league of its own. A recent article by Greg Ip in The Wall Street Journal is the latest example of this groupthink. With the investment share of China’s GDP in uncharted territory, goes the...

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Beyond Diplomacy for Conflict Resolution

Call me a cynic, but I have my doubts about the motives behind the recent flurry of US diplomatic initiatives directed at China. Jake Sullivan’s late August mission to Beijing, a first in his official capacity as US National Security Advisor, was the highlight. It was...

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